
Diana F+

Managed to snag a limited edition Diana F+ quite a few years ago and I'm almost ashamed to say that it was sort of just used as decoration for ages. Oops! Review | When I first the Diana F+, the store didn't have any 120 Lomography ISO 100 film in stock so I had to buy the Redscale film. I was pretty disappointed and just didn't put any effort into making sure my photos turned out nicely, which led to the Diana F+ gathering dust on my bookshelf. I didn't really have any clue how to get the best results from this camera and film so the photos turned out awful. But, I finally bought the film I wanted and a sunny day came up! Plus, actually reading the manual may have helped... All shot at Brighton Beach, Adelaide. Lomography ISO 100 film.  I'm in love with how the photos turned out. The colours are muted and dreamy, and the clarity isn't too bad at all. I can tell that the Diana F+ will definitely be my [not-so-new] Summer camera of cho...

Nishika N8000 Pt.2

I loaded up the Nishika with a fresh roll of Lomography ISO 100 and wow! The results were so much better this time. Lesson learned. Expired 100 film is just not something I should ever put in here ever again. The colours turned out so vibrant and grungy/grainy 90's lookin which I love. So, I took it for a spin at the Parade of Light exhibition which was part of this year's Fringe Festival.   

Panorama Wide Pic

Spotted this for $3 in the op shop a while ago, always wanted a panorama film camera so hey! Here we are. I don't really have high hopes for this camera as it feels super plastic, flimsy, and it's simply point-and-shoot. Who knows, maybe the photos will still look really nice and surprise me. If not, I may modify this camera to remove the mask and just use it as a very lightweight camera. Hopefully the photos look alright, I can't be mad at a $3 camera either way.  Camera Background I couldn't find much information on this camera, at all. I do know now that it came in red and yellow too which looks pretty cute. The lens might be a 28mm, but again, I can't confirm this. The actual panorama effect is achieved by way of masking the top and bottom of each frame [obscured by black plastic to give it that narrow effect]. Review I have to say, the photos surprised me. I used an expired roll of Kodak ISO 400, not sure what sort. I expected the photos t...

Bay to Birdwood Launch 2017

Whoops, I kind of forgot about this roll until I found it at the bottom of my backpack last week! This was a really interesting event, especially if you're into vintage cars and motorbikes. These photos are from the Bay to Birdwood launch in Rundle St, September 17th, 2017. According to their  website , it's the largest annual motoring event vintage and classic vehicles in the world!   In odd-numbered years, The Bay to Birdwood has an event celebrating vehicles manufactured before December 31st, 1981. This community event allows car lovers to admire a variety of classics, or showcase their beloved restorations. In even-numbered years, the Bay to Birdwood turns into a motoring cavalcade, driving throughout the streets of Adelaide, ending in Birdwood. This event features vehicles made before December 31st, 1959. It was a really lovely day for it too, the shine on some of the cars was unbelievable. My favourite cars were definitely all the VW bugs, and whichever car...

Nishika N8000

Another one of my most sought after cameras, finally ticked off my list! My Mum bought it for me as an early house-sitting present; I'm so excited for it to arrive and to finally try it. I remember being a photography obsessed teen about 10 years ago, and saw a set of photos of my favourite band that had this crazy 3D-effect happening, almost like a moving Magic Eye image. They were taken with a Nishika N8000, I was so amazed, but these cameras are practically a rarity in Australia. So to see one while I was casually scrolling though Gumtree, it was such good luck. Camera Background | You may have seen some examples of photos taken that employ a quadro lens camera, they're usually called "wiggle-gifs". A few ad campaigns have used them for that grungy 80's/90's feel, I've also seen them in the videos for DRAM-Broccoli ft Lil Yachty, and Mura Masa - If I Go.   YoungCapital - Work ad campaign that utilised quadra-lens photos. Contrary to the n...

Nikon FM2

I was scrolling through  an Instagram account last year [ @michovasfilm ] and absolutely fell in love with the quality of her photos. I saw it mentioned somewhere that she used a Nikon FM2 for some of them so I researched it and finally, a high-quality camera that revived my interest in film photography. The few I saw for sale in Australia were way too expensive though; thankfully my parents are lovely and surprised me with one for my Birthday! It's a Nikon FM2N but from what I've read, there's not too much difference between the two models. Camera Background Nikon is a highly regarded brand, for good reason. Their cameras are usually quite durable and beautifully made. The Nikon FM2 & N were made in the early 80's, until the early 2000's. These cameras in particular, are well known for their durability, plus the fact that they can withstand some fairly extreme temperatures which is why they're still used by researchers in Antarctica. Astoundi...


Hello, I am an amateur photographer and camera collector from Australia. For many years I have been interested in photography as a hobby, specifically film photography.  I took a break from photography from high school until last year because studying Photography in class was just such an unpleasant experience, it just sort of leeched all my drive and motivation to take photos. I fell in love again after seeing some really lovely photos on Instagram that were taken with a Nikon FM2, which I then received for my Birthday! I'm steadily building up my camera collection, I really enjoy finding  fun, new "novelty" cameras but that doesn't happen very often. Op-shops and second hand stores are surprisingly expensive these days!  Film-wise, I don't really take many B&W photos but I'm hoping to change that this year. Anyway, this blog is mainly just a space for me to talk about the cameras I have and the photos I've taken. Hopefully someone gets...