Bay to Birdwood Launch 2017
Whoops, I kind of forgot about this roll until I found it at the bottom of my backpack last week! This was a really interesting event, especially if you're into vintage cars and motorbikes. These photos are from the Bay to Birdwood launch in Rundle St, September 17th, 2017. According to their website, it's the largest annual motoring event vintage and classic vehicles in the world!
In odd-numbered years, The Bay to Birdwood has an event celebrating vehicles manufactured before December 31st, 1981. This community event allows car lovers to admire a variety of classics, or showcase their beloved restorations. In even-numbered years, the Bay to Birdwood turns into a motoring cavalcade, driving throughout the streets of Adelaide, ending in Birdwood. This event features vehicles made before December 31st, 1959.
It was a really lovely day for it too, the shine on some of the cars was unbelievable. My favourite cars were definitely all the VW bugs, and whichever car had the amazing interior seen in the first photo below. Wish I could remember what sort it was, it was beautiful though. Surprised I didn't snap any photos of the VWs with my Nikon.
All photos were taken with a Nikon FM2N and Kodak Ultramax ISO 400.
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