Panorama Wide Pic

Spotted this for $3 in the op shop a while ago, always wanted a panorama film camera so hey! Here we are. I don't really have high hopes for this camera as it feels super plastic, flimsy, and it's simply point-and-shoot. Who knows, maybe the photos will still look really nice and surprise me. If not, I may modify this camera to remove the mask and just use it as a very lightweight camera. Hopefully the photos look alright, I can't be mad at a $3 camera either way. Camera Background I couldn't find much information on this camera, at all. I do know now that it came in red and yellow too which looks pretty cute. The lens might be a 28mm, but again, I can't confirm this. The actual panorama effect is achieved by way of masking the top and bottom of each frame [obscured by black plastic to give it that narrow effect]. Review I have to say, the photos surprised me. I used an expired roll of Kodak ISO 400, not sure what sort. I expected the photos t...